It was a sort-of-chilly Friday night. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and be school spirited. In other words, I went to the football game. Our school colors are red and white, which made sense when everyone said tonight was going to be a red-out.
I was sort of freaking out because I barely own anything red, I just put on a Flash t-shirt and called it good.
I sat by my friends, who are also sophomores, and a group of freshmen girls sat behind me. Now, I hope these girls aren’t offended by me using them for a story, but it fits perfectly well with the lesson I’ve been preaching so long and passionately about.
My intention was never to listen in on them, I just tend to hear random things and then - BOOM - I’m somehow contributing to the conversation.
Anyways, I was watching the game and I overheard one of the girls behind me say, “A girl called me fat and then I said ‘Um, excuse me?’” I turned around and told her that I liked that. My exact words were “I like that. Have that. Keep that. It’s good to stand up for yourself.”
My biggest passion is defending your honor, especially when you stand alone. So, as a feminist, I was pleased to hear a girl say she was offended by an insult. “Um, excuse me?” is a perfect answer to something like that. Be sassy, be defensive, be protective of your body.
The game continued and their conversation dragged on and I was still trying to pay attention to the score. Keyword: try.
Two of the freshmen girls behind me took a selfie. I mean, who wouldn’t? You’re at a high school football game with friends; of course, you should take a picture! I was happy when I turned back around, facing the field, because everyone around me was having a great time including myself. But I got even more excited when one of the girls who was taking the picture said she looked cute in that selfie.
I, once again, turned around and applauded that mindset. My words were “Yes! Have that! Feminism! It’s good to love yourself. Self-love is important!”
The girl from before said, “I like you! You’re so uplifting.”
I was trying to be funny and mentioned the blog, just to prove that I’m actually serious and not just trying to compliment these girls. They got excited and all of them immediately got their phones out, asking me if they were in the right spot on the internet.
I’m not sure if they are still following the blog or not but if they are, hello!
Then, it occured to me, clearer this time than before, when I was encouraging these girls. A female should have self-confidence, especially to the point where she feels comfortable enough to defend herself and say “Um, excuse me?”
Today I was told that I’m ugly, and at first I just shrugged it off and played along. “Thanks,” I said. But the second time I realized that I have the responsibility to stand up for myself, because if no one else will, then who? So, after putting up with it, my response formed into “As a matter of fact, I am not ugly.”
I know this article is fairly similar to my very first one, Mind Over Mirror, but, like I said, this is my passion and this is what I preach. Have that confidence, keep that defensiveness, save that mindset. And, this is directed to everyone. Love your body and yourself.
“I wake up everyday like hello beautiful. ‘Cause this world is so crazy and it can bring you down. You’re too short, too fat, too skinny, hey! Well, excuse me if I think that I’m pretty!” - Sophia Grace, Girl In The Mirror
God bless, Raquel Vaughn