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Modern Feminism

Updated: Jul 2, 2019

Let’s get this straight. Feminism and feminist are not bad words. I know, it must be a lot to take in. You know what also is a lot to take in? Feminism is not women thinking they’re better than men.

What is modern feminism? I don’t even think modern feminism is even a thing. Feminism is feminism. Feminism was modern 100 years ago and it will be modern 100 years from now. What it can be though is radical or conservative. Not all feminists believe the exact same thing. Not every feminist is a vegetarian, or owns reusable straws, or agrees with other women. This is what makes the movement so diverse, which is a good thing.

What makes the word feminism so “bad” today is the fact that women who are so-called feminists fight for the wrong thing in the wrong way. They may call themselves a feminist but really they are a misandrist. What is misandry? Misandry is the belief that women are better than men. THIS IS NOT FEMINISM! I think this is why women are so hesitant to call themselves as such because they’re too afraid to have a louder voice than a man’s. But by claiming yourself a feminist does not make your voice any louder than a man’s, it makes it equal to a man’s. Because if he has something to say, so do you. Or so you should.

Even if modern feminism was a legit thing, what makes it so bad? What gives the word such a bad taste in your mouth? Feminism was “modern” in the 1900’s, so are you saying we shouldn’t have gotten the right to vote in 1920? Modern feminism is not the problem, neither is radical or conservative feminism. You can have whatever opinion you would like to have, it depends on what you believe personally. The only problem is misandry and misandrists.

If you’re a true, true feminist, you should have no problem encouraging the men in your life just as much as the women. You should have no problem being proud of their accomplishments, telling them you love them, and encouraging them when asked about how they look or what they’re doing. Just because women are trying to raise the bar equal to men doesn’t mean they don’t fight the same fight. Men fight depression too. Men fight insecurity too. Men get scared too. Men also need encouragement, body positivity, and attention.

What do feminists support and stand for?

  • Equal rights between the sexes

  • LGBTQ+

  • Mental and physical health

  • Against abuse, rape, and sexual assault

  • Body Positivity

  • Love

  • Reproductive rights and easily accessible products

  • Equal pay

  • Toxic masculinity

  • Against sexism, racism, culture appropriation, homophobia

  • Happy vibes, inspiration, and encouragement

  • Education

  • Saving the earth

But, honestly, if you agree that women and men alike deserve equal rights, then you are a feminist. It’s as easy as that. Sorry, not sorry.

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