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You Can

Like most, probably, I got my ACT results in the mail. I’m not gonna lie, I was very upset when I opened it. The score I got was not what I wanted and quite lower than I expected it to be. First of all, my score wasn’t bad it just wasn’t what I wanted. Second of all, after considering other scores I’ve heard, I’m pretty content with what I was given as a result.

But after my crying session passed, I talked to my mom and she pointed out the five or so suggested occupations they listed. These are occupations that the board thinks you should consider in the future based on your results. Out of the five, one stood out. It said FBI/CIA agent.

This is important to know because, literally, for a week I kept on complaining to my friends about becoming an FBI agent. When I was little I used to watch Criminal Minds like every day, then I finished the seasons that were available on Netflix and let it go, forgetting about. But, as a sophomore I decided to give Criminal Minds another swing ‘cause it’s been my favorite show since second grade. I was watching it and then had the most amazing thought ever. What if I became a profiler? Now, it’s also important to know that this isn’t one of those hypothetical “what if” type situations that is based solely on a TV show. I’ve researched, I’ve stalked the government pages on the internet, I’ve done the math and searched colleges.

The only reason I pushed the thought aside and ignored my high interest in criminology was because I didn’t think I was qualified enough, now or in the future. I figured the CIA or FBI wouldn’t want an average, small town girl from Minnesota. I figured my school grades weren’t enough, my GPA wasn’t enough, my ACT score wasn’t enough. But if I’m told that I’m a person who likes to work with people and data, and that points towards doing something I might love, then why the heck not?

My mom knew I’ve been talking about the FBI and the BAU and how much I fantasize about becoming this powerful woman in the criminal justice system. She kept on saying “I think this is a God thing” because how could it not be?

I’m a bit of a stresser about life and get so much anxiety just thinking about my future. But something about getting my test results back have given me reassurance.

Everything’s gonna be alright! There’s no need to worry because God has a plan, whether you don’t believe in him or yourself, or not. There will be trials, there will be blocks, and you’ll have to work for it, but there’s something that has been set right in front of you and it’s in your reach.

You are qualified. You are capable. And you can.

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