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I just want to say congratulations. You have a gay friend. It’s all good and you don’t have to feel awkward. No, your lesbian friend isn't going to hit on you. She isn't going to try and kiss you or see you naked. You have a gay friend and it's not bad at all. 

When people find out they have a gay friend they immediately get uncomfortable. When it shouldn't be that way, being gay is awesome! You've finally discovered who you truly love.

But when it comes to friends if it's a guy and gay friend it gets weird and the friendship usually ends. Because that guy automatically thinks his gay friend is going to hit on him. Same thing with women.

Here's an example. Let's say Susie and Janine are best friends. Then one day Janine says to Susie ”I think I'm gay” then automatically Susie takes a step back and feels uncomfortable. When the situation should be completely different. Susie should embrace Janine or at least show some compassion. Not cover herself and run away in fear of Janine hitting on her.

Love is a fearful thing, but when you just decide to let go of the fear and hate then you'll see the beauty. You'll see the amazing parts of it. No matter if you're black or white, gay or straight, transgender or cisgender. Love is beautiful in every shape and form.

So I’d like to congratulate all of you again who have a gay friend. Go hug them. Go tell them you appreciate them. Because they're no different from you.

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