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Is my mic on?

This article might be a bit of a controversy amongst the viewers of this blog… But I feel like this is a topic that I need/want to address…

For as long as I can remember plus-sized people/fat people have always been shit on… There’s always someone attacking a woman for how her body looks and any fat that’s on said body… And currently, on TikTok, there's a debate happening between fat people and people who fit the beauty standard…

Now I myself am a person who deems any and all shame towards someone's body disgusting and not okay in any way… But I will not sit on the sidelines as a fat woman and not speak up.

The debate on TikTok currently is saying that skinny shaming is just as bad/worse than fat-shaming… I heavily disagree with that statement… While skinny shaming is awful and something that should never be done in the first place I cannot agree with the statement that it is as bad as or worse than fat-shaming…

Fat shaming has been around for centuries… Fat people will go out in public and get ridiculed by practically anyone passing by them… They will then go home and get ridiculed mercilessly on the internet by people who don’t even know them… They will be told things like “Have you tried eating a salad”, “Have you tried going to the gym”, “You know you’re gonna die by the age of 30 right?”, and so many worse things…

People will follow fat people in stores and make sound effects behind them that make fun of the way they walk… Fat people aren’t even safe in movies… Any movie that features a fat person as an important character or a love interest is either played by a skinny person in a fat suit and is then ruthlessly made fun of until they realize they need to become skinny because skinny is awesome… Or the role is played by an actual fat person but then the story of said fat person is written as a fairytale version of fat people… There are only about 16 movies I can think of that have depicted a fat person’s life accurately…

Meanwhile, every mainstream movie features only the body standard… Which is “skinny” so while skinny bashing and shaming is not okay in any way I cannot accept people saying it's the same/ worse than fat-shaming…

Skinny will always be the beauty standard no matter what and fat people will always be shamed and shit on... If you asked a skinny person today if they’d willingly be fat they would instantly say no, but if you asked a fat person if they’d willingly be a skinny person they would instantly say yes… Nobody wants to live the life of a fat person because they know it would be full of wannabe doctors and shitty people telling you how you’re a horrible human being who’s gonna die from a heart attack at age 30…

When I was 12 I went to my state's Youth Camp for the first time and I was in a dorm FULL of girls who were a size 9 or smaller…. One group of girls determined to make my life a living hell because of my size… So they would constantly tell me how awful I looked and that if I were skinny like them I could wear cute clothes… Well one night before church one of them switched my black shirt with one of theirs that was XXS. So when I went to change for service that night I noticed my shirt wasn’t fitting and I began to have a panic attack because I thought I had somehow gotten fatter in the 2 days I was there… That is only a sliver of the abuse I have endured throughout my life and the abuse I will endure the rest of my life just because of some rolls on my body…

When I was in high school I had SEVERE pain in my stomach for months with no relief no matter what I did. So I finally decided to go to the doctor and every doctor I went to refused to do tests on me and just told me it was because I was fat… To this day I still have those pains and I STILL don’t know what’s wrong… Doctors fat-shame as well and don’t have any remorse and also don’t get spoken to by anyone about it. It’s wrong and it needs to stop…

But will it ever stop?? As long as fat people exist will the ridicule and hatred ever stop?? No… People will never stop hating and shaming a fat person just for existing… We will never be a beauty standard and we will never be seen in mainstream movies as just a person… It makes me want to crawl into a hole and never crawl out… But I’m not going to, I’m going to take a stand against the constant abuse and use my voice to speak out against the hatred and ridicule.

I’m sick and tired of it…

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