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"Women who stepped up were measured as citizens of the nation, not as women… This was a people's war and everyone was in it." - Colonel Oveta Culp Hobby When were women not measured as citizens? Why is it we are only recognized for what we do during war or tragedy? As women, we face so much in our everyday life. We have to deal with society weighing down on us for everything we do. From the skirt we are wearing to the one uncurled strand of hair. But powerful, strong, women change the world with almost the snap of their fingers.

Rosa Parks changed the 1950’s by sitting on a bus. There are so many powerful women in this world because they fight back. They fight against the misogyny and the inequality of the world. 

Ashley Graham inspired women of all sizes by posing as a plus size model for a picture. It's all just a chain of tiny events that end up changing our lives. 

Yet women are still only truly remembered when we do something like fight in a war or defend a man and his honor. Women do so many amazing things in their everyday life. Yet it doesn't get recognized.

We as women shouldn't let males take his pick on jobs and pay just because he is a man. We should stand up for our worth as workers and human beings. 

Women, beside men, should be CEO. We shouldn't let inflated egos get in our way and we should strive for our goals. Not what men's goals are for us.

Women are amazing, yet we don't realize our own potential. Many women in our day and age cower down because we don't want to offend a man's ego. But simply put, if a man's ego is offended by us taking charge, then we should take charge more often.

They need to learn to let women be themselves; strong, powerful, successful, and beautiful. Females aren't just pretty girls who settle as secretaries. We are strong, independent, and everything a man can be. 



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