things that have been said a thousand times but need to be said again:
1. Feminism is for everyone
2. Rape is never the victim’s fault
3. The pay gap is real
4. Climate change is real
5. Racism is a present problem
6. Love is love
7. Society does not define your body
8. Mental health is important
9. Gender roles are dead
10. Misandry is not feminism
11. Consent is essential
12. Let people wear what they want
13. Don’t push a relationship on yourself
14. Women belong in government
15. Poor representation is not representation
16. Girls need to support girls
17. End toxic relationships
18. Don't judge lives you aren’t living
19. Your body is yours
20. Racism is not patriotism
21. Economic privilege is real
22. Respect the religions of others
23. Let boys cry
24. Let girls be angry
25. Let people have emotions in general
26. You are valid
27. You are worthy
28. You are loved
Love always, Josie
**this is a list of often used quotes and phrases that I do not claim as my own :))