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Heroines & Heroes | Janessa Nelson

Updated: Sep 7, 2019

Man and woman. Father and Mother. Son and daughter. Brother and sister. Husband and wife.

These are words we hear every day and yet we think nothing about them. These words tell you who you are. It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman, man, or otherwise. These words define us but, maybe they shouldn’t. 

If you’re a mother, does that mean you can’t be a doctor? If you’re a scientist, does that mean you’re not a sister or a daughter? If you’re a nurse, does that mean you can’t be a father or a husband?

Throughout time women were told they could be very few things. We were told we couldn’t be politicians, doctors, scientists, or soldiers. If we did choose to become one of the few things that we were allowed to, we were looked down upon because if we had a job how could we possibly be good wives, mothers, or daughters? We have come along way since then. Now we can be almost anything we want. Almost. We are still not equal to our male counterparts.

As said by some of the overly extreme so-called “feminists”, men are the problem and it’s their turn to take our place as the submissives in society. If you think that, by definition, you can’t be a feminist. Feminists believe in equality between the sexes. Not pushing one down so another can take their place. 

The truth is men are feminists, too. It’s something most people don’t think about, but what’s stopping them from being a feminist? Someone may think it's because men are men. The opposite sex couldn’t possibly agree with us or understand what we are trying to do. That statement is horrible. That thought is horrible. If we think that we think in the same way the people who oppressed so long ago did. 

"You can’t do that you’re a woman." 

"You won’t understand you’re a man." 

If we want to truly become an equal society we can’t fight like the other side does. We are better than them. We don’t fight dirty. We fight by encouraging each other even when we fail and celebrating our victories, but not forgetting our loses. We are feminists. We are heroines and heroes alike. Our sex does not define us and neither should anyone else's.

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