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Take Your Time & Smell The Roses

This article is a shout out to those who are struggling to figure out where they're going in life.

Maybe you're overflowing with stress over the History class you're about to fail, or you didn’t get a perfect grade. So what? Everyone is different, everyone learns differently, everyone figures out who they wanna be at different times. Why is it that every family function you go to you always hear someone ask you “How’s school going? Do you have a boyfriend?” Why do we push these stressful anxiety filled things on people? Maybe you're the single mom just trying to take care of your kids and getting your schooling done. Maybe you just found out you're pregnant and you don’t know what to do. Maybe you're a teenager who is trying to not fail out of high school, or make the mistakes some of your friends or family have made. What I’m trying to get at is take time for yourself. Take a break, smell the roses, go to a spa, read a book, or watch a movie. Do something for you that you enjoy instead of stressing your way through life. -Elizabeth Miller 

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